Learn & Discover
You might be wondering how a web browser may be used in an embedded device, or why WPE could be a good choice for your product. If you are an engineer, you might want to know if your target architecture is supported. Read below to answer these and more questions.
WPE as a Solution
WPE For Developers
Supported Hardware
WPE runs on a wide range of hardware, including devices made by Broadcom, Nvidia, NXP, Qualcomm, or Rockchip.
Why Choose WPE?
WPE WebKit is widely adopted by many industries, including digital signage, professional audio, home appliances, set-top-boxes, automotive, and inflight infotainment. Countless devices deployed around the globe are already using WPE WebKit as their web runtime platform, and use is growing rapidly. Read more about why you should choose WPE.

WPE In Action
If you’re using WPE WebKit, or are considering doing so, please take our brief user survey. Your input will help us make WPE WebKit better for you!