WPE WebKit 2.32.0 released

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This is the first stable release in the 2.32 series.

Highlights of the WPE WebKit 2.32.0 release

  • Removed support for NPAPI plugins.
  • New permission request API for MediaKeySystem access.
  • New API to remove individual scripts and style sheets using WebKitUserContentManager.
  • Fixed application of the system font scaling factor.
  • Web inspector now shows detailed information about main loop frames.
  • The minimum required GStreamer version is now 1.14.
  • The GStreamer runtime is now initialized only when required.
  • Improved platform support for WebAudio (WebAudio→MediaStream, Worklet, Multi-channel).
  • Support for hardware-accelerated video rendering on i.MX8 platforms (using the NXP driver).

For more details about all the changes included in WPE WebKit 2.32 see the NEWS file that is included in the release tarball.

Thanks to all the contributors who made this release possible!


wpewebkit-2.32.0.tar.xz (20.9 MiB)
   md5sum: 5e20eb2cbb045d7bd460df9c7730abea
   sha1sum: 624ced96b0877de7d6a087f04e49d0024e3aa4f8
   sha256sum: 6cfb18af9a180eeffffcaf34fea68d867ee59f633d811ced92bbead2d184b6ea

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If you’re using WPE WebKit, or are considering doing so, please take our brief user survey! Your input will help us make WPE WebKit better for you.