Cog 0.18.2 released


This is a bug fix release in the stable 0.18 series.

What’s new in Cog 0.18.2?

  • drm: Fix crash on iMX.6 (and possibly others) by improving how the CRTC and encoder combination is chosen.
  • wl: Add support for Weston protocols version 13.
  • launcher: Handle GApplication activation to avoid a warning.


cog-0.18.2.tar.xz (123.1 KiB)
   md5sum: 7fbfc2e19304132be0d73f5e5512151c
   sha1sum: 045294f7fa878db86e4b8a617ee4ac056a71cb75
   sha256sum: 3c4237cff6323b8c3eaf52c6f3f6415b898a22c0127c6c396c1eaa6eef46c279

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